Running the business

Should you be reading?
Here's a Q: Should you be reading? Let's face it. It’s hard to find time for reading. Cutting out a slice of your day is challenging when there is just...
Should you be reading?
Here's a Q: Should you be reading? Let's face it. It’s hard to find time for reading. Cutting out a slice of your day is challenging when there is just...

Griffin Games Status: Printing Now!
I’m happy to share we are now in the process of printing our first retail copies of our first game, Scriptless!
Griffin Games Status: Printing Now!
I’m happy to share we are now in the process of printing our first retail copies of our first game, Scriptless!

Reflecting on Feedback
By: Calvin Kammer It’s been about a month since I last made a blog entry, and now that I have a moment to think, I’m instead going to write out...
Reflecting on Feedback
By: Calvin Kammer It’s been about a month since I last made a blog entry, and now that I have a moment to think, I’m instead going to write out...

Gathering Feedback
Feedback is crucial. Any project benefits from it, but game designers should know just how valuable it is to making your game shine. Not all feedback is worth the same!
Gathering Feedback
Feedback is crucial. Any project benefits from it, but game designers should know just how valuable it is to making your game shine. Not all feedback is worth the same!

Meet the Griffin Dream Team!
Written by: Calvin Kammer It’s not all the time that you get you work with extremely talented and passionate people. There’s even fewer times when you can appreciate it...
Meet the Griffin Dream Team!
Written by: Calvin Kammer It’s not all the time that you get you work with extremely talented and passionate people. There’s even fewer times when you can appreciate it...

Why you should start a blog for your board game...
Written by: Calvin Kammer Today I’m writing about the most meta blogpost I can think of: Why you should think about starting a blog for your board game project. Reader...
Why you should start a blog for your board game...
Written by: Calvin Kammer Today I’m writing about the most meta blogpost I can think of: Why you should think about starting a blog for your board game project. Reader...